“La lettera” (The letter) is a virtual reality short film, created by a group of young students during the course “Through the Metaverse,” promoted by Gold and the Municipality of Fiesole.

Through an aerial perspective, the short film captures the beauty of the landscape and focuses on the memories of the protagonist, portrayed as evocative images, and narrated in a letter addressed to an old friend. It brings forth a sense of nostalgia for the place of origin, for the past times spent with friends, and the experiences and emotions associated with growth and the transition into adulthood emerge.

“La lettera” is an emotional journey that encompasses all the nuances of growing up.

La lettera locandina
La lettera

Genre: short film dramatic in virtual realityYear: 2023Produced by: Omar Rashid, Alessandro Mancini, Luca FortinoDirected by: Omar RashidVR Direction by: Omar RashidProduction company: GoldSubject: Aurora Mazzoli, Costantino Tanini, Damiano Morelli, Giulio Folli, Niccolò OrtolaniIdea: Aurora Mazzoli, Costantino Tanini, Damiano Morelli, Giulio Folli, Niccolò OrtolaniCast: Tommaso OrzalesiEditing: Sasan BahadorinejadPost production: Sasan BahadorinejadGraphics: Azzurra Giuntini